Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fruits, Veggies & Nuts That Are Toxic To Your Dog - Part 1

There's very little we won't do for our little fury loves, including giving them pieces of our food. However, there are some things your dog should never get his or her little paws on.

Here's a list of fruits and veggies that may be toxic to your it safe, keep it away.

Grapes & Raisins can cause kidney failure and irreversible kidney damage within 24 hours of being eaten.
Symptoms: Vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, noticeable abdominal pain, little urination, and wobbly and almost weakened movement.

Tomatoes - parts of tomato plants, like the vines, stems, and leaves contain a harmful alkaloid called atropine (tomatine poisoning), which can cause serious problems if eaten. Green or unripened fruit has less of the toxin but can still cause stomach upset. Although ripened red tomatoes are not as likely to make your dog sick, they should not be part of a regular dog food diet.
Causes: Tremors, seizures, and heart arrhythmia.
Symptoms: Unusual drooling, overall weakness, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dilated pupils, and even paralysis.

Garlic, Onions and Chives - There are mixed thoughts about feeding dogs garlic. When fed in small amounts, garlic is said to be beneficial for your dog because it's considered one of nature's antibiotics. On the other hand, when injected in larger amounts, both garlic and onion (in fresh, dried, or powdered form) can cause anemia and stomach upset due to the destruction of red blood cells.
Symptoms: Rapid heart rate, weakness, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the urine, pale and thin gums.

Avocado - All part of the plant and seed-pit should NOT be eaten by dogs. If they do, dogs could experience painful oxygen deprivation leaving to possible death and pancreatitis. It is still being debated by the scientific community if the actual avocado meat and oils are poisonous, so it may be best to void all of it.
Symptoms: Trouble breathing or loss of breath, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, congestion, fluid build up in the chest are.

Macadamia Nuts - Generally consumption will not be fatal, but can cause your dog to become extremely ill. The toxin in the nut is not know. Ingestion of just a handful of nuts can cause adverse effects. As little as six macadamia nuts can trigger locomotory difficulties in dogs. Toxicity will typically happen within 6-24 hours.
Symptoms: Vomiting, weakness, depression, lack of energy, drunken walking, joint/muscle pain, joint swelling, tremors, ataxia, hypothermia, and abdominal pain.

Immediately take your dog to the nearest Veterinarian if your dog ingests any of these items.

(Part 2 of this post will go live next week)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Doggie Street Festival - San Diego & Los Angeles

I'm constantly on the look out for any fun events I can take Gigi to so I was super excited to come across this fabulous Doggie Street Festival being held at not just one, but two SoCal locations.

Not only is your dog welcome at this free festival but there will be many sponsors there sharing pet heath, nutrition and training tips. And of course, there will be lots of dogs there for you to ADOPT. Last year's event sent 166+ fur balls to a new home! That's right, every homeless pup needs a warm home...make yours theirs.


San Diego, CA
Saturday, July 12 @ 9am-4pm
Liberty Station: NTC Park 92106 (directions)

Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, July 20 @ 11am-5pm
Westfield Century City Mall - 10250 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, 90067 (directions)

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dog Owner Must Have: GULPY Water Dispenser

I'm the first to admit I spoil my dog. Truth is, I probably enjoy shopping for her just a teeny bit more than I like shopping for myself...strange, I know. Out of numerous items I've purchased over the last 10 months since she's been with us, the Gulpy pet water dispenser is by far the BEST! 

Not only do I no longer worry about not having a water dish on hand for Gigi but I also never worry about whether or not water will be accessible. It's ideal for walks, hikes, road trips, beach trips or just everyday use when you're not at home. The dispenser has a nifty little belt hook on it so you can clip it to your belt or purse and fits into any standard bike water bottle holder.

Gigi's super picky - girl won't drink out of a water dish if other dogs have used it so her Gulpy is always the first thing to get tossed in my purse when we're off to the dog park.  She even knows that's her water dispenser and will nudge at it when she's thirsty and needs me to open it for her. Smart dog.

Gulpy makes the pet water dispensers in two sizes: 10 oz (aka: Gulpy Jr - shown in pics above) and 20 oz. They're also available in various colors including blue, purple, orange, and green. I purchased her first Gulpy Jr. on Amazon but just last week purchased a back up Gulpy Jr. at Target, both under $8. Talk about a deal!

It's super easy to use, just flip it open and give it a little squeeze to fill the water reservoir and flip it back to close.

The only negative thing I've read is the fact that the dispenser does not suck the unused water back in...honestly I don't care. I just toss it and close it back up. The container is made of sturdy plastic, no breaks or cracks yet. I've tossed ours around the room and left it in my hot car and it's still in good shape. Not sure if it's recommended but I've tossed it in the dishwasher and it's still in perfect condition. It's leak proof too! I've never had an incident where I've found my purse soaked with water. 

My advice to all dog owners, get one! Every time I pull it out for Gigi we get tons of compliments and inquiries as to where they can get one.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

8th Annual Downtown Dog Day Afternoon - Los Angeles

Registration is now open for Dog Day Afternoon at the Cathedral from 6-9 pm on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Plaza.

Downtown Los Angeles residents and their dogs are invited for mingling, music, and pet-related vendor displays at this annual community event! 

Dodger dogs, snacks, full bar & beverages by Levy Restaurants available for purchase. Celebrate our four-legged furry friends who help create community in Downtown LA. Numerous (local) vendors will be on site and there will be lots of fun things for you and your pup to do.

Free Admission | Registration Required
Parking: $5 flat rate at the Cathedral 
Dogs must be social, live in Downtown LA, and be on a leash.
*Downtowners without dogs & out of towners are welcome, too!

For more info visit downtown LA.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Yappy Hour at The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel

Follow Fido to Yappy Hour, a monthly cocktail party for canines and their companions at The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel

Pooches, hounds and pups enjoy complimentary hand-made dog biscuits and lapping up refreshing libations, thanks to bacon, chicken, cheese, beef and liver flavored water, while their companions can purchase burgers, brews and wines. This year’s proceeds from Yappy Hour will support the Wounded Veterans Initiative of Canine Companions for Independence, and will help offset some of the unique costs associated with Canine Companion’s Southwest Region puppy raising program. 

Canine Companions has had more than 360 volunteer puppy raisers in Orange County and the funds raised through Yappy Hour will be dedicated for puppy training and obedience classes, transportation of puppies to their new puppy raisers, spaying and neutering, and boarding costs for puppies in heat.

2014 Yappy Hour Dates 
Held on The Dana Lawn from 5 to 8 p.m. 

  • June 19, 2014
  • July 17, 2014
  • August 21, 2014
  • September 18, 2014

The Ritz-Carlton
1 Ritz-Carlton Drive, Dana Point, CA 92629
For info call: 949-240-2000

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Gotta Have My Puppuccino

Are you sitting there thinking, what the hell is this girl talking about? Well, no need...I'll explain.

While you sit there drinking your delicious Starbucks coffee drink your pup is probably just sitting in front of you with it's head cocked sideways wondering why he can't have one of those delicious things. Well your pup's in luck because Starbucks offers the "Puppuccino" for dogs!

Don't freak - there's absolutely NO coffee in's just a little cup full of delicious whipped cream.

note: Gigi didn't eat all that whipped cream. We stopped her a good quarter of the way through.
Too much sugar is no bueno.

The few times we've had Gigi with us when visiting a Starbucks we always ask for a puppuccino for her. The first couple of times the barista asked "I'm sorry, a what?" and then laughed when I explained it was just a small cup of whipped cream for my dog.

So yeah, don't be shy in ordering one of these for your dog when ordering your own drink, but don't freak if they have no clue what you're talking about. Guess not everyone's privy to such fabulous menu items ;)

Also, sometimes you'll get larger cups. The first time we got a cup the size of a Grande and the second time we got a kids hot chocolate size cup. Either way, your dog will love it!

NOTE: I've never been charged for this so I can't give you a price. Hopefully they'll give it to you for free too!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dogs Need Sunscreen Too!

Gigi needed a little boost to get her sunbathing on.

Summer's here and humans everywhere are reaching quickly for the sunblock - but, lets not forget our furry friends.

Yes, dogs need sun protection too!

Like humans, pets should have sunblock applied to sun-sensitive areas such as tips of ears, nose, underbelly, and groin. Typically they're all going to be areas that have sparse hair coverage or where pigmentation is low.

Avoid giving your dog a "summer cut" if they have a light colored coat or thin(ing) hair. Yes this cute cut,  keeps your long haired pal from getting matted or being uncomfortable in the summer heat but can also be the cause of their sunburn.

Personally, I have the groomer give Gigi a "summer cut" all year long because I don't care for all her shedding & scruffy face look, but then again she rarely goes outside for long periods of time between 11am - 5pm. My girl loves her air conditioning.

  • Use pet-safe sunscreen, if possible - try Epi-Pen Sun Protector, the only FDA approved sunscreen for dogs. ($17.95 on Amazon)
  • Baby sunscreen is a-ok to use on your dog. (Most human sunscreens have ingestion warnings because the ingredients can be toxic if a child or dog ingests them, so if your pet is likely to lick it, look for a pet-specific sunscreen.)
  • You should re-apply regularly during sun exposure.  It is recommended to use at least 1 tablespoon of lotion or cream for each body area treated!  Sunscreen should be re-applied every 4 to 6 hours during the brightest time of the day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • If your pup has a sunburn, give him a soothing bath with cool water and a gentle, soap-free product.
  • Try adding Neep Oil to the shampoo. Non-toxic Neem works quickly and safely to heal heat as well as chemical burns.
  • Stay away from zinc oxide - it's toxic to dogs!

Please consult with your veterinarian prior to using any human products or medications on your pet.

Friday, April 25, 2014

K95K Color Run - Temecula, CA

Man, oh man, I'm so excited for this!

I'm constantly on the look out for activities that I can do with Gigi, so when I heard a 5K was being held for dogs I was uber excited.

We'll probably register next Friday (payday) and I'll definitely be ordering G some doggles from Amazon that same day so the colored cornstarch doesn't get into her eyeballs.

There are lots of options in regards to what package to register under...I think we'll opt for the VIP, since it includes a visit to one of the onsite spa's after the race. A clean dog, yes please!

Hope you guys will join the color fun. Let me know if you'll be there and maybe we can run/walk together. Dog lovers unite!

For more info visit

Friday, April 18, 2014

DIY Pet First Aid Kit

You probably have a first aid kit for the humans in your household so why not have one for your furry family member? Seriously, it's important.

Whether you're going on a road trip or just taking a trip to the beach, it's important to be ready for emergencies. My advice? Buy a little extra and make two; one can stay at home and the other (maybe a bit smaller) can be stashed away in your trunk.

Remember, your first aid supplies don't have to be placed in anything special, an old backpack or small lunch box will do...however, waterproof is definitely preferable (hint hint: Ziploc bag).

Here's a list of the basics needed* for a doggy first aid kit:
  • Dog first aid book (The First Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats is a pretty good one, even if it is a bit large.)
  • Disposable gloves (latex or non-latex)
  • Emergency documents/contact numbers (vet info, closest animal hospital, poison control number, emergency family contact info, copy of pet medical records and registration).
  • Tweezers (flat slant clamp & tick removal tweezers)
  • Scissors (dull ended)
  • Cotton Balls
  • Gauze pad, squares and roll (PawFlex bandages are great!)
  • Disinfectant (such as Hibitane)
  • Wound Spray - Simply spray it on to help clean and heal hot spots, bites, scratches, cuts, burns, ulcered skin and more. (such as Vetericyn)
  • Saline solution (fyi - contact solution can work too, in a real emergency)
  • Antihistamine - May be used to calm itchiness, swelling, and hives caused by bee stings or insect bites. (ask your vet for dosage based on your dogs size)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide - while not recommended for wounds, it can be used to induce vomiting in case of accidental ingestion.
  • Bulb syringe or small Turkey Baster - to flush wounds or eyes or for administering medicine.
  • Antibacterial wipes or Skin soap (dish soap is also helpful in removing oil & such from dog fur)
  • Skin & Paw Cream
  • Rectal thermometer (a dog's average temperature is 101°F)
  • Petroleum Jelly (when using the's just considerate)
  • Muzzle (fitted to your dog; so they don't hurt themselves or others)
  • Sugar packets - For diabetic emergencies
  • Small container of flour or cornstarch - To stop bleeding of nails that have been broken or cut to the quick.
  • Dry dog food
  • Dog treats and rawhide bones
  • Blanket - Can be an old one you have laying around the house or foil emergency blanket
  • Ice pack
  • Pen light or flashlight
  • Splints or tongue depressor
  • Extra dog tag (with your contact info)
  • Extra leash & harness
  • Prescribed medicine
  • Bach's Rescue Remedy - provides natural stress relief and works wonders for dogs that have been through a traumatic situation.

*feel free to add anything that may be specific to your dogs needs. And remember, never give your dog any human drugs or prescriptions without talking to vet first.

Friday, April 4, 2014

America's Family PET EXPO at OC Fair [GIVEAWAY]

(originally posted on our sister-blog, socalblog)

Calling all animal lovers; we have the perfect event for you!

A few days ago I posted about America's Family Pet Expo making it's way to the OC Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa on April 25 - 27 and now you have a chance to attend for FREE.

A whole day of fun with reptiles, dogs, cats, birds, etc. It's definitely a good way to tire out the kids while allowing them to learn a few things about different animals.

Here are some of the events you can look forward to:
  • Extreme Canines Dog Stunt Show - a high energy, fur-flying show with stunt dogs soaring for Frisbees, high jump flying through the air, jump roping, and running through obstacle courses.
  •  Dog Training with Renee -  Renee Jones comes from Alabama to teach show guests how to train their four-legged friends basic and complex commands.
  • Splash Dogs take to the dock, offering a wet-and-wild canine competition as participating pups compete for the longest jump into the pool!
  • Police and Protection Dog Demonstrations - watch and learn how these K9 Officers and their pup-partners work and play while gaining a deeper appreciation for these canine protectors in our community.
  • TICA Cat Show & Presentations - allows you to learn about the many breeds of cats and their unique personalities.
  • The Birdman of Las Vegas
  • The Great American Petting Zoo - offers several different animals for kids to touch, brush and feed.
  • Tucker’s Pony Rides, Human Hamster Wheel, Scooter the Mini Horse and Pet Adoptions!

For more information on event visit


One lucky person will win a Family 4-pack of tickets to the Pet Expo.

Giveaway will end on Wednesday, April 16 @ 11:59 pm (pst). One winner will be chosen at random, using the above rafflecopter widget that has been posted on both this blog and SoCal Blog. Winner will be notified via email and must respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen.

Disclosure: SoCal Blog was provided with tickets to the Pet Expo in exchange for posting event information & ticket giveaway. Giveaway tickets will be mailed to winner via USPS. SoCal Blog, SoCal Dog Blog or Pet Expo is not responsible for lost or stolen tickets.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dog Drool = Anxiety...Who Knew?

Gigi isn't a drooler. At least not while she's awake, haha.

However, a few weeks ago while at the dog park we noticed she was creating quiet a little puddle in the spot she hadn't moved from in the last 20 minutes. It was a pretty windy day, the grass had just been cut, and us being the newb dog owners that we are we thought maybe it was just "doggy allergies" or something of that sort. We cleaned her up, tried to get her to interact with the other dogs but instead she chose to just sit next to us and observe...while continuing to drool.

This happened at least 3 more times. Totally strange.

I finally Googled it (cause Google is a lot cheaper than a Vet visit) and it turns out this is actually pretty common in dogs. What had been happening is that she'd begin to drool like a fat kid in a candy shop when she was feeling stressed out or anxious - which was usually caused by being around 4 or more dogs (her size, btw).

Seems our girl is a bit bashful and doesn't care for large crowds, much like her owners.

I wish I could say it no longer happens but that's not the case. G still drools every now and then at the dog park but when it starts to get excessive we turn her attention back to us and show her there isn't anything to be anxious about, they're just friends trying to play with her. We usually end up taking her aside and playing with just her and one other dog and then slowly begin to introduce more into our playing. It's not perfect but it seems to work for us.

This pretty much sums up what G was exhibiting to show us she was "anxious/stressed out":

  • excessive drooling
  • lack of eye contact with other dogs
  • calming behavior, such as licking lips and/or blinking more than usual with slightly squinted eyes.
  • not moving in a straight line to any dog
  • not laying down, showing belly to dogs
  • sweaty paw pads
  • sometimes - excessive shedding

Friday, March 28, 2014

America's Family PET EXPO at OC Fair Grounds

(originally posted on our sister-blog, socalblog)

It’s A Springtime Petstravaganza as America’s Family Pet Expo Celebrates 25 Years of Fur Flying Family Fun, Returns to the OC Fair & Event Center April 25-27
Thousands of animals, pet products, four-legged entertainment all weekend long
**Please Do Not Bring Your Pets***

It’s the “Bow Wow Wow” and Cat’s Meow for your favorite furry, scaled or feathered friend.  America’s Family Pet Expo (AFPE) returns to the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa, April 25th – 27th.  Celebrating 25 years, this “spet-acular” event boasts a menagerie of animals including cats, dogs, miniature horses, birds, and exotic reptiles, all on display providing show guests the opportunity to experience these animals in a variety of different ways.  Interactive exhibits, educational shows and demonstrations, as well as the latest in pet trends and products for sale, make America’s Family Pet Expo fun for the whole family. Tickets are on sale now at   AFPE kindly reminds guests that the event is for humans only, pets are not allowed at the Expo.

New to the 2014 Expo is the “Extreme Canines Dog Stunt Show,” a high energy, fur-flying show with stunt dogs soaring for Frisbees, high jump flying through the air, jump roping, and running through obstacle courses.  Executive producer Chris Perondi’s show is not to be missed.
For reptile enthusiasts, Repticon, will offer guests the opportunity to touch and hold snakes, lizards, spiders, and dozens of other exotic reptiles and amphibians through hands-on demonstrations and exhibits.

Returning to the Expo, is Dog Training with Renee.  Renee Jones comes from Alabama to teach show guests how to train their four-legged friends basic and complex commands.  She is a renowned Certified Professional Dog Trainer – “Knowledge Assessed,” and her Southern flair is a winning combination with canines and owners.

Always a fan-favorite, the ever-popular Splash Dogs take to the dock, offering a wet-and-wild canine competition as participating pups compete for the longest jump into the pool!

Interested in how canines are used to protect our communities?   At the Police and Protection Dog Demonstrations watch and learn how these K9 Officers and their pup-partners work and play while gaining a deeper appreciation for these canine protectors in our community.  

Looking for answers on why your feline is finicky? The TICA Cat Show & Presentations allows you to learn about the many breeds of cats and their unique personalities.  Do you like to fly with a different crowd?  Be amazed while magnificent birds fly when The Birdman of Las Vegas soars into the Expo with a brand-new show.  

The Great American Petting Zoo offers several different animals for kids to touch, brush and feed.  Tucker’s Pony Rides, Human Hamster Wheel and Scooter the Mini Horse are some of the attractions and activities kids will love!  Also on hand will be Tickled Pink Face Painting so the little ones can “become” their favorite animal.

At the Kid’s Aquarium Contest, each participant receives a 10 gallon aquarium, heater, filter and water and the kids add their own fish and unique decorations.  The aquariums will be on display throughout the Expo and are judged according to age group and three categories:  Natural and Creative. Every participant is ultimately a winner because after the Expo, each child can bring home their creation.  Children are encouraged to sign up for participation in next year’s Kid’s Aquarium Contest.  School age kids, 5 to 16 years old are encouraged to participate.

Pet Adoptions will be handled on site for those looking to add a furry member to their family.  There will be hundreds of animals hoping to find their “furever home” from local community partner organizations at the Expo.

Ticket info:
General Admission, $13.00; seniors 60 and over, $11.00. Children 6-12, $8.00. 5 yrs and under, FREE. Active and retired military free with ID. 

Show hours:  
Friday 10am-6pm; Saturday 10am-7pm; Sunday 10am-6pm. 

OC Fair and Event Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa 92626. Parking is $7. 

Kindly leave all pets at home. For more information and to purchase tickets visit
The America’s Family Pet Expo is created, produced and managed by World Pet Association, Inc., a 60-year-old nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting responsible pet care.  This year marks the 25th Anniversary of AFPE.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ticket giveaway coming soon!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Neutered But Still Humping Everything...What's Going On?

During one of our weekly visits to the local dog park (Hound Town), Gigi made friends with a super energetic dog that definitely kept her on the go. They played, yes, but mostly she had to keep running in order to escape his more than friendly advances. 

The owner apologized profoundly even though we both laughed it off because they are after all, dogs. She explained that she'd only had him for less than a year but he was neutered so she didn't understand his behavior, especially since he'd hump just about anything - not just female dogs.

Turns out, this is pretty normal behavior even after being neutered. According to an article I read, there many factors that could trigger a humping session. 

Newly Neutered - Just because the equipment is gone doesn't mean the high levels of testosterone are too. It can take up to six to eight weeks for your pup to simmer down. Also, if your pup is an older fella it may just be a habit of his to go around making advances. Neutering can reduce and sometimes eliminate many of these behaviors, but it's often more effective on dogs who haven't become sexually mature.

Emotion - It doesn't always have to be about sex, it could simply be that he feels overwhelmed (for positive & negative reasons). Dogs occasionally take on humping as a compulsive reaction to frustration and anxiety...I mean, not everyone can have a therapist.

Power - Feelings of insecurity or feeling threatened can possibly lead to your pup using humping as a power play. Neutering can often curb feelings of aggression and dominance, but it's not a given.

Health - Never make any assumptions as to why your dog might be humping, fixed or otherwise, because it could be health related. Some of the ailments that are frequently associated with canine humping are urinary tract infection, allergies, flea outbreak and incontinence. Mounting can be a symptom of any and all of these problems. Bottom line: talk to Vet about any concerns you have about your dog. Always.

Being Playful - He just wants to play, nothing more and nothing less. This is probably the most common in dogs that didn't receive a lot of interactive play experience as puppies.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

If Gigi Were A Cartoon...

She'd probably look just like this:

graphic credit: mittzy_tj

Super cute, right? Wish I could take the credit for it but I didn't create the graphic. I'm not that good, haha. We've recently made a lot of (dog & dog parent) friends on Instagram and one of them made it for me.

Gotta love internet friends.

By the way, you should totally follow us on IG, it's a lot of fun to see all the random photos I post of G. See, this picture was taken while she was helping me drive to O.C. As you can tell, she didn't care much for being photographed so early in the morning.

What a diva.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Day At The Huntington Dog Beach

When the hubs asked me what I'd like to do for my birthday (last week), I instantly said "go somewhere where we can take Gigi with us". There was no way I was going to celebrate my birthday while she sat at home in her crate. It just seemed wrong.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for a cute furry face.

The original plan was to head to San Diego for a few days, we found this amazing hotel that specializes in human and dog guests. However, we didn't have the moola to head that way so we opted to a fun day at the local dog beach.

If you've never been, I highly suggest you make a trip to Huntington Beach for a fun day at the Huntington Dog Beach. Dogs can run free off the leash, without judgment, make tons of new friends.

You may notice in the photo's  that G's on her leash, and it's not because we're being mean, truth is this girl runs faster than a jack rabbit and doesn't like to come back when called. Yeah, we still have some training to do.

Leash or no leash, she (the hubs and I) had an absolute blast.

Huntington Dog Beach is located on PCH, between Seapoint Ave & 21st Street.
If you want to enter an address into your GPS, use 100 Goldenwest St. Huntington Beach, CA
Hours: 5 am - 10 pm / open 365 days a year.

*Note: There's tons of parking on PCH but they have meters so take plenty of change (no credit card meters). If you don't mind walking, there's usually lots of parking in the residential area across PCH - but it's about a 2-3 block walk.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Adorable Personalized Dog Tags

I've recently found myself being very picky about something as simple as a dog tag for Gigi. I know, it's not supposed to be anything fancy, just something that tells people who she is and who to contact if she's ever lost.

But with all these adorable can I possibly make a choice?!

beautiful mutts / custom pet tags / critter bling

island top custom tags / the made stamper / kippy and co

shop mimi green / shop mimi green

marlon brandleather

monogram frenzy / monogram frenzy

I think I'm leaning towards the collars with the tag info on the clip. Very cute and I never have to worry about a tag falling off or irritating her. Super cute though, all of them.

Friday, February 21, 2014

February Is National Pet Dental Month

Just like you, your pet needs a clean mouth. Not only is it a good idea because it'll help curb that stinky doggy breath but also because it can keep your pet healthy.

February is National Pet Dental Health Month so head to the store, grab your pet a toothbrush and get brushing those pearly whites. I bought Gigi a combo pack (2 headed toothbrush & toothpaste) at Walmart for around $5.

It's important to brush your pets teeth several times a week but don't freak out if you haven't done's a great day to start.

In addition to bad breath, poor oral health can lead to kidney and heart disease. The bacteria in the mouth can build up, entering the bloodstream via the gums. This puts extra work on the kidneys to filter out bacteria. And these bacteria can set up house in a dog’s heart valves, potentially leading to a condition called valvular endocarditis.

According to her previous owners, Gigi usually had her teeth brushed at the Vet but since we don't have that kind of moola, we do it at home. Don't worry if your pet is resistant at first, it takes a bit to get used to but will quickly become routine.

  • Brush teeth daily.
  • Squeezing canine tooth paste on your finger and putting it between their cheeks and gums will help get them used to the taste.
  • As they lick the paste, praise them constantly.
  • Keep initial brushing sessions to a few gentle seconds. Remember to always praise them as you brush.
  • Once your dog is used to having his teeth brushed, do so for about a minute daily.
  • Giving them a treat afterwards may help.

Other items and treats can help canine oral care, such as dental chews and rawhides which promote chewing and mechanically remove plaque. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Natural Ways To Soothe A Dog's Upset Stomach

The other day G woke up with what seemed like an upset stomach. Her poo was runny, she was mopey, and wouldn't eat (something that very rarely happens).

If she had been a human, I'd of made her some chicken soup and served it with saltines. Crazy thing is, it's not too far from that, according to many vet websites. Here are a few food items that may help soothe a dog's tummy:

Plain Rice

Boiled Chicken (boneless, no salt)
*save the broth & you can pour over the rice

Banana Baby Food 
(if you can get your dog to eat it. G hates bananas.)

100% Pure Pumpkin
(NOT the pie filling stuff)

Plain Yogurt
(try mixing a bit of the pumpkin into the yogurt...yum)

and ALWAYS provide plenty of

If your dog has serious diarrhea it may be a good idea to have them fast for 10-12 hours, depending on their size. After this, stick to a light diet for a few days. 

Important: If you're dog is showing serious signs of illness, call the vet or take them to the nearest pet hospital. Also, don't give your dog any meds without speaking to your veterinarian first.